COVID-19 Information

Officials at DeKalb Township are closely monitoring developing information on COVID-19.  We are in communication with our local and state partners, as well as any developments coming from federal agencies.

Early Voting is still taking place within the Township building, and we have taken additional efforts to maintain a clean facility.  We strongly encourage following the recommendations of medical professionals and public health officials, including frequent and thorough hand washing.  Please avoid public places if you are ill.

We encourage people to please call the Township before coming in to see whether we can assist you over the phone:


  Financial Assistance/General Info: (815) 758-8282

                                                                                               Road District:     (815) 758-5658

                                                                                               Assessor’s Office: (815) 758-5454

Please see the important announcement from the City of DeKalb below, as well as the resource list they compiled.  See the City of DeKalb’s website for additional information:

Many of the daily visitors to City Hall are conducting business that can be handled online or over the phone, including payment of utility bills. We also ask that those who are ill to avoid the use of public transit. Transit providers, TransDev and TransVac, have implemented additional cleaning measures as a precaution. Public meetings of the City Council will continue, and we remind residents that those meetings can be watched live on GATV14 or YouTube.

Last, if you are ill and require emergency services from our Police and/or Fire Departments, we ask that you inform the 911 call takers of any potential illness in your location. In an emergency, residents should call 911.

We will notify the community of any significant updates as they become available. In the meantime, please use the following resources to educate yourself on the outbreak of COVID-19.

Centers for Disease Control (CDC)

Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH)

DeKalb County Health Department

  • COVID-19 Information
  • DeKalb County residents and healthcare professionals with concerns about exposure or specific symptoms are encouraged to call the DCHD Communicable Disease Department at (815) 748-2467 (8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.).