October 12, 2022 – Board Meeting

DeKalb Township will hold its monthly public meeting in the Board Room on October 12, 2022 at 6:00 pm.

Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88910990770?pwd=MUFUdmdiK09SVE4vamVIUUZNdnY1Zz09 

Meeting ID: 889 1099 0770            Passcode: 976176                  Dial in: 13126266799

Agenda       Board Packet/Financials/Minutes   (PENDING BOARD APPROVAL) 

The public is invited to join our in-person meetings and members of the public may address the Township Board during Public Comment by submitting a Speaker Request Form prior to the start of the meeting.

 As a convenience to the public, the Township will also provide remote viewing of the meeting. Remote viewing mode does not provide for public participation.