* Press Release * Lions Recycling Box

JANUARY 19, 2022                                                                                         Mary Hess, Supervisor
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                                                            815-758-8282

The Lions of Illinois Foundation recently dedicated a collection box for used eyeglasses and hearing aids at the DeKalb Township office, located at 2323 South 4th Street, DeKalb. The collection box is conveniently located outside so donations of used eyeglasses and hearing aids can be made day or night.

“We are honored to play a small role in assisting the Lions of Illinois Foundation in their pursuit to create a permanent vehicle for the delivery of programs and services to the visually and hearing impaired,” said Mary Hess, Supervisor of DeKalb Township.

Each year Lions Clubs throughout the state of Illinois collect used eyeglasses and deliver them to the DeKalb based Lions of Illinois Foundation.  Once collected the glasses are then sent to a Lions Eyeglass Recycling Center where volunteers clean the glasses, sort by prescription strength, and then packaged. After carefully packaging the refurbished glasses, Lions store them until they can be distributed, usually through humanitarian missions to developing nations.

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